Risk Management Capacity

Risk management may be defined as the identification, analysis, and economic control of risks that can threaten the assets or earning capacity of an enterprise. In recognition of the provision of Risk Management Consultancy as an essential part of modern Insurance Brokerage Services, we have established a full-fledged department to tackle Risk advisory issues.

This is because we have recognized the emerging trend of cost consciousness in this increasingly competitive economic environment. In any case, insurance is one way of Risk Management and it is both prudent and expedient to offer informed advice on other means of taming risks before eventually using insurance to further diminish the impact of losses on the insured.

The ravages of loss may not be completely wiped out by insurance. However the wide pronged approach of Risk Control by implementing informed risk reduction policies translates into reduced frequency and sever ty of possible losses. These gains are then reflected on the premium costs saving to the advantage of the insured.