Practical References
Given the backing of our partners and the experience of our own employees, we have no doubt that we are adequately equipped to work with client in enhancing your risk management strategies and systems.
Should we be awarded the contract, we undertake to carry out awareness training programmes for the client personnel on the following, among other areas:
- Risk Identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Management
- Underwriting
- Claims Handling
- Employee benefit programme
This will be done either at our offices or whichever will be convenient. We shall undertake to offer the following:
1. One day Risk Management seminar for Chief Executives, Senior Managers. Resource persons will be drawn from our partners.
2. Conduct an Awareness workshop for senior managers with Resource persons drawn from AMRO INSURANCE BROKERS LTD
3. Conduct an Insurance awareness presentation to staff members with resources drawn from AMRO INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. We are also involved in educating our clients through presentations and/or offering in-house training through the attachment of individual staff members for short periods of time.